SERMA Compagny

SERMA is a family-run business that has been managing the Avoriaz ski area since 1994.

Winter operations on its 35 lifts, 59 runs and 5 play areas employ up to 320 people at the height of the season. SERMA has also successfully developed a summer business around downhill mountain biking.

For several years now, SERMA has been actively engaged in a socially and environmentally responsible approach.
Find out more about its objectives and achievements here.

We'll Be Back Shortly!

We would like to inform you that our website is currently in maintenance, this Monday 2 December from 6:00 pm to 8:00pm

We apologise for inconvenience and we appreciate your patience. See you soon!

early closing at 4 p.m. Friday

For safety reasons during the Mont-Blanc Morzine rally event. Thank you for your understanding


Level risk 4. Be carfeul